Forseti – How To Access An Excellent Academic Book On Him, “Poetry & Law In Germanic Myth” By Stephen Schwartz

Most of my ways of relating to the Deities flow through modern-day conversations, connections, and energy work. I’m not one for getting too caught up in the past… the Deities are very much alive and active, and are highly relevant to this time on Earth.

That said, there is an academic work about Forseti that I highly recommend. It’s from 1973 and is out-of-print. I scored a copy for about $5 (probably not any sort of “coincidence”), but it tends to run over a $100 if you can even find a physical copy. The book gets deeply into His Frisian roots and explains how He became a part of the Norse pantheon.

Lovely news: you can create an account with and read the book for free with by-the-hour loans! Maybe not as good as a print version, but at least the content can be followed with the larger single-page view.

Happy reading.

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